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Thursday, 29 November 2018

Ford VCM2 IDS Windows 10 Migration Tips & Guides

Here you will get to know how to migrate an Ford IDS System to Windows 10.

Part 1: Reason why you should do the migration
Part 2: Preparation before Windows 10 Migration
Part 3: Windows 10 Migration

Part 1:  The reason why you should do the migration

Windows 10 migration on a PC that has IDS installed requires preliminary steps to ensure successful operation. Migrating to Windows 10 without following the procedure below may result in connection concerns with your VCM or VCM II to IDS, IDS license concerns, or an inability to properly install/uninstall IDS on your PC.
You may want to consider remaining on your current Operating System or having an IT professional perform the Windows 10 update.

Part 2: Preparation before Windows 10 Migration

  1. Begin by uninstalling IDS. Click on the Windows Icon > Ford Motor Company > IDS > Uninstall IDS, as


  1. Next, select the “Remove” option on the screen

  1. When prompted, select “Return License”

  1. Next, uninstall the Bosch Software. Click on the Windows Icon > Control Panel > Programs and

  1. Select the Bosch VCI Software, and then click on “Uninstall”

  1. Once the Bosch VCI Software has been successfully uninstalled, reboot your

Part 3: Windows 10 migration

After you have completed the above steps, your system is ready to migrate to Windows 10. Go to the following URL for Microsoft’s Windows 10 update instructions:

Technical support from

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

How to get VCM2 IDS to communicate with Ford PCM

Tips & guides: VCM2 clone communicates with PCM and reprograms PCM with IDS software

VCM2 communication issues:
VCM2 IDS cannot communicate with PCM:

No puede establecerse comunicación con el PCM
De el contacto
(Error message in English: Communication with the PCM can not be established
From the contact)

VCM2 Tech support:
It’s normal…
You can use the old version IDS 86 software
the latest version IDS 108 CD tested by pros
Then the problem will be solved!

Tips: PCM reprogramming with VCM2 SP177-c
Step 1: Select the toolbox tab at the top of the screen
Step 2: Select “Module Programming”
Step 3: Select the tick mark or the Enter key
Step 4: Select “Module Reprogramming”
Step 5: From the fly out menu, select the type of module to be reprogrammed
Step 6: Select the tick mark or the Enter key
Step 7: The application will compare the current calibration level to the latest one available for that vehicle. A message will appear.
Step 7A: If no later calibration is available, a message will appear indicating this. Select the tick mark or the Enter key to return to the Module Programming menu.
Step 7B: If a later calibration is available, a message will appear asking if you want to reprogram the module with this calibration. If you do not want to reprogram the module, select “No”. You will be returned to the Module Programming menu.
Step 8: If you want to reprogram the module, select “Yes” in response to the question “Do you want to program the vehicle with this calibration?”
Step 9: Make sure that an Internet connection has been established and then select “Confirm”
Step 10: You will be presented with a screen that recommends that you carry out Self Test. If you choose to complete this test, you will receive a list of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC’s) that have been set on the vehicle. When finished viewing this list, select “Exit”.
Step 11: Follow the on-screen instructions to prepare the vehicle and turn the ignition key off and on.
Select the tick mark or the Enter key after each one.
Step 12: If necessary, apply the reprogramming label to the PCM
If an emissions recall has been performed or a required emissions-related TSB has been completed, an Authorized Modification label must be placed on the PCM. These labels can be purchased at the parts counter of a Ford or Lincoln/Mercury dealership.
Step 13: Select the tick mark or the Enter key to return to the Module Programming menu.

Btw, PCM unrecognized solution:

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

VCM 2 SP177-1: Free, Online, No Need License

This is for those looking for a good VCM 2 cloned unit with functionality confirmed and sold at a decent price.

And this is the one you should have:

It’s a VCM2 SP177-1 full kit

3 keywords to VCM 2 SP177-1:
Free, Online,Non-License

Why do you buy VCM 2 SP177-1:
  1. The latest software version: IDS 111
Free update
  1. IDS native installation
Directly install IDS on the laptop;
No longer install on a VMware machine
No need license
Never have license expiration problems
  1. Online function supported
  2. Stable to do programming because of high quality
  3. Online accounts available for users to pay for
  4. Free to get password calculator
User name: flyfvdi
Password: flyfvdi@2018

VCM2 SP177-1 functions confirmed:
  1. Automatic vehicle recognition
  2. Read & Clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)
  3. Live Data-stream with Recording & Playback Functions for Main ECUs
  4. Guided Fault Finding
  5. New Software Re-flash for Existing ECUs
  6. Programming & Installation of new ECUs
(PCM, ABS, Instrument Cluster, Air Bag, Fuel Pumps, etc.)
  1. Program New Keys
  2. Injector Coding
  3. Set, Adjust or Remove Speed Governors
  4. DPF Regeneration
  5. Brake Bleeding
  6. Steering Angle Resets
  7. All Other Dealer Functions

VCM2 and Ford module programming:

VCM2 and PCM reprogramming:
VCM2 SP177-1 Where to:


Clone VCM 2 PCB, which best?

Look here: PCB from vcm2 sp177-c1, vcm2 sp177-c, vcm2 sp177, vcm2 sp177-2, vcm2 sp177-g

Vcm 2 sp177-c1 pcb (the best quality with USB sticker for WiFi)

Vcm 2 sp177-c pcb (the best quality)

vcm2 sp177 pcb (high quality)

vcm2 sp177-2 pcb (2018 version)

vcm2 sp177-g pcb (for Land Rover)

vcm2 pcb color, which best

Both vcm2 sp177-c1 and sp177-c are the best quality!!

vcm2 sp177-c1 vs vcm2 sp177-c

How to confirm vcm2 sp177-c is the best

Free Download Ford VCM2 V126 to Solve License Expired Issue

  Problem: My Ford VCM2 software has popped up an attention: “License expired! Available times 2. Please update VCI!” What does this mean?...