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Tuesday, 24 December 2019

How to change GEM settings in Fiesta 2003 ?

How to change GEM settings in Fiesta 2003 ?
I need to check or change the settings of the GEM in an Fiesta MK6 (build 2003).
Anyone knows a software tool to do this?
I have an ELM327 (clone) adapter at hand. Also an UCDS interface.

There are two software tools to do this:
  1. IDS/VCM
  2. Forscan

In details:
Ideally you want IDS/VCM for this.
At this age you can do anything to this car using a VCM with Ford IDS v86 and C81 calibrations.
Advise the best VCM2 Ford IDS V101 (with double pcb, no wifi):
Vcm2 Change Gem Settings In Fiesta 2003 01
Vcm2 Change Gem Settings In Fiesta 2003 02

Capable alternative: Forscan  
ForScan is working fine. I had this, but an old version without capability to program. Downloaded the recent version from and all worked like charm! This is a really great tool and all for FREE!

Another working alternative: FORScan Scanner clone
Test reports: China clone bought two days ago, but DTC, direct coding and other functions work.
Forscan Change Gem Settings In Fiesta 2003 03
Forscan Change Gem Settings In Fiesta 2003 04
Forscan Change Gem Settings In Fiesta 2003 05

Sunday, 22 December 2019

Best VCM II Ford (SP177-C3): SP177 & SP177-C Best alternative

Ford VCM2 (SP177 & SP177-C) out of stock recently? released one best Ford VCM2 (SP177-C3), it will be the best alternative.
Here is one table comparing SP177-C3, SP177, SP177-C:
PCBClick hereClick hereClick here
IDS software (in CD)V106V101V108
Price€ 194€ 177€ 159
In stockIn StockIn StockOut of Stock

SP177-C3 PCB:
[caption id="attachment_23945" align="alignnone" width="600"]Hq Vcm Ii Ford Pcb Sp177 C3 Hq Vcm Ii Ford Pcb Sp177 C3[/caption]

SP177 PCB:

SP177-C PCB:
Sp177 C 02
vcm 2

SP177-C3 Ford VCM2 is the best alternative of SP177 & SP177-C. Because its internal board is made good quality, and it is not much more expensive.


Monday, 16 December 2019

Free download IDS Ford Mazda V116: VCM II & VXDIAG Nano OK

Newest version IDS Ford Mazda V116 Scan tool Diagnostics & Vehicle Reprogramming for
Ford, Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda vehicles.

Integrated Diagnostic Software (IDS) - The factory Ford Motor Company vehicle diagnostic software provides complete dealership level vehicle diagnostic coverage for all 1996 to present Ford, Lincoln and Mercury vehicles. IDS is a flexible diagnostic tool that utilizes standard computing platforms to work with Original & Clone VCM, VCM II, VCMM, VXDIAG VCX Nano interfaces.
This version can also download latest calibration files from ford server if there exist an internet connection at the moment you connect to the vehicle.
IDS V116
Ids Ford Mazda V116 02

Ford Mazda IDS V116 for VXDIAG VCX Nano:
Mega link is not available yet.


FordExtendProgr .exe!gREkDChZ!7Yo8_ks39I0Wr6-k8nspZauR6qMqvdfcqeHlR60GMxc

Car brand: Ford, Lincoln and Mustang
Software name: Ford IDS / FordScan ( support programming, coding, programming key)
Car model year: 2005 - 2019

Car brand: Mazda
Software name: Mazda IDS/ForScan (support programming, coding, programming key)
Car model year: 2005 - 2019

Program Features:
  1. Multi-Language: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Netherlands, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovak
  2. Reading and decoding fault codes
  3. Download the very latest calibration files from Ford server
  4. Deleting fault codes
  5. Displays system current parameters in digital form
  6. Combined displaying of data
  7. Logs keeping - writing and keeping of digital parameters in memory
  8. Support Online programming, but you must have online account, we do not provide this account.
  9. Special functions - changing of permissible settings of blocks, programming etc.
Ids Ford Mazda V116 03

System requirements:
OS: XP, VISTA, Windows 7 32 & 64 bit (Recommend Windows 7 64bit), Windows 8, 10
CPU: 1.8 GHz or greater (Dual Core Or Higher)
HARD DRIVE: 10GB Free Disc Space Minimum

What you receive:
  1. IDS 116.02 (Software)
    2. IDS Activator (Patcher)
    3. vxdiag manager

V116 Ford VCM VCM2 IDS Full Software


Free Download Ford VCM2 V126 to Solve License Expired Issue

  Problem: My Ford VCM2 software has popped up an attention: “License expired! Available times 2. Please update VCI!” What does this mean?...